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Tag: SharePoint

Create a SharePoint Online custom list form using Power Apps

Create a SharePoint Online custom list form using Power Apps

Have you been making custom list forms in SharePoint using InfoPath or SharePoint Designer? Those are going away, and after June 2026 the replacement application for custom list forms is Power Apps. Discover how easy it is to create a custom list form in SharePoint Online!

SharePoint: Updating file/folder metadata with a # in the name

SharePoint: Updating file/folder metadata with a # in the name

For the longest time this wasn’t an issue. There were just certain characters that weren’t allowed as file or folder names in the Windows world (%&#/\ and so on). Not too long ago, Microsoft decided it’s ok to accept files and folders in SharePoint with either the % or the # in the file or folder name. Great for end users who enjoy that sort of thing…awful for us developers. For example, in the past I’m sure you did something…

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Show modal dialog form from another site collection

Show modal dialog form from another site collection

Ever get an error message saying “Refused to display ‘url’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘SAMEORIGIN‘.” when trying to load a list form from another site collection in a modal dialog?  Add this to a line right after the last <% Register tag on the masterpage: <WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat=”server” />

Populate a SharePoint 2013 PeoplePicker field using JavaScript/jQuery

Populate a SharePoint 2013 PeoplePicker field using JavaScript/jQuery

Here is a quick and fairly simple way to programmatically populate a SharePoint 2013 People Picker field with a user based on their email address. This example assumes you have more than one People Picker field on the page. You will need: The display name of the People Picker Field The email address of the user you want to add to the People Picker Field Add the following code to either a Script Editor Web Part (inside <script> tags) or…

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