SharePoint 2010 compatibility in IE9
SharePoint 2010 is not fully compatible with IE9. To the best of my knowledge this is due to SharePoint’s heavy dependency upon DOM expandos and other features which were available through IE8, but are all removed from IE9. Controls like the Rich TextBox and People Picker tend to render improperly, throw errors on postback, etc. Fortunately, M_Olson posted a JavaScript mod that worked perfectly for me! It looks like this: function ConvertEntityToSpan(ctx, entity) {ULSGjk:; if(matches[ctx]==null) matches[ctx]=new Array(); var key=entity.getAttribute(“Key”); var…
Connecting a SharePoint 2010 List to external database table
I’ve done this plenty of times and never documented it, and one of these times I’m going to be working on something else, have to build one real quick, and forget how I did it, so i’m writing it down. You can have a SharePoint 2010 List that connects to an external database table and perform CRUD operations on it, and it’s not that difficult to do. There’s generally speaking 3 specific steps required. First, decide if you want to…
Filenames and WebDAV in SharePoint 2010
This is more of a reminder to myself than anything, and you may already be aware of this, but in case this issue is new here’s what helped me: While taking our enterprise in a paperless direction, one department was having trouble opening a document library using the “Open in Windows Explorer” function every time they saved a certain file to it. For the longest time I couldn’t find any pattern to the behavior, and assumed it was something to…
Stop and restart specific item workflows in SharePoint 2010 Using Powershell
While sending our company in a paperless direction, I found that as I published updated workflows to a library old versions were not only still running (as expected) but becoming corrupt, almost like they were getting “stale”. These stale workflows would behave abnormally the more I published changes to the same workflow. Since these were approval-style workflows, where various selected staff were supposed to complete task items, things weren’t getting completed, and the workflows were seeming to be sitting there,…
Writing to the ULS in SharePoint 2010
Here’s a quick, easy, 3 step method to log your custom events to the ULS while writing a SharePoint 2010 solution: Add a reference to Microsoft.Office.Server (located in C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions14ISAPI on your SharePoint server) Add a using statement at the top of your code like so: using Microsoft.Office.Server.Diagnostics; Add the following line wherever you want the message to appear in the ULS PortalLog.LogString(<whatever you want to put in the ULS>) See? That wasn’t so bad!